美防长:”朝鲜已向俄部署军队 这是非常严重的问题”

大鱼新闻 军事 3 hours, 51 minutes


报道说,奥斯汀周三在罗马与他一起旅行的记者说:“我们看到有证据表明,有朝鲜军队前往俄罗斯”,”他们到底在做什么,还有待观察”(“We are seeing evidence that that there are North Korean troops that have gone to Russia,” Austin told reporters traveling with him in Rome on Wednesday. “What, exactly, they’re doing is left to be seen.”)。

报道说,奥斯汀说,美国仍在试图确定朝鲜人会在冲突中发挥什么作用,以及他们是否打算前往乌克兰。他说:“如果他们是协同交战者,他们的意图是代表俄罗斯参与这场战争,这是一个非常、非常严重的问题,它不仅会对欧洲产生影响,还会对印度洋太平洋地区产生影响”(Austin said the US is still trying to determine what role the North Koreans will play in the conflict and whether they intend to travel to Ukraine. “If they’re a co-belligerent, their intention is to participate in this war on Russia’s behalf, that is a very, very serious issue, and it will have impacts not only on in Europe — It will also impact things in the Indo Pacific as well,” Austin said)。

报道的原标题是《Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says North Korea has deployed troops to Russia》(国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀表示,朝鲜已经向俄罗斯部署了军队)。

